Greg Belliveau



  • English

Contact Information


Greg Belliveau is an award-winning novelist and author of the gothic thriller Blood Clan (Rogue Phoenix Press, 2024), the Science Fiction Dystopian novel Gods of IMAGO (Rogue Phoenix Press, 2023) and IMAGO (RPP, 2019), as well as Go Down To Silence (2001) which was a Christy Award Finalist for Best First Novel; and a collection of creative nonfiction entitled Seeds: Mediations on Grace in a World with Teeth (2017). He is a Christopher Isherwood grant recipient and teaches writing at Capital University.

Degrees Earned
  • M.F.A. Creative Writing, Fiction - Pacific University
  • M.A. English - Kent State University
  • B.A. English - Kent State University
  • ENGL 100 - Basic Writing
  • ENGL 111 - Academic Writing
  • UC 320 - Seeds of Romanticism

Blood Clan. Rogue Phoenix Press, 2024.

Gods of IMAGO. Rogue Phoenix Press, 2023.

IMAGO. Rogue Phoenix Press, 2019.

Seeds: Meditations on Grace in a World with teeth, Crosslink, 2017. 

God Down To Silence. Multnomah, 2001.